Academics > Science and Astronomy

Galaxies are a lot more numerous than thought



There are believed to be ten times as many galaxies in the universe than previous studies had suggested.

The discovery was made by an international group of astronomers who used data collected by the Hubble Space Telescope to create a 3D computer model of the known universe.

By implementing new mathematical models to calculate the locations of galaxies not yet observed by a telescope, the scientists were able to determine that there are in fact ten times as many galaxies in the universe than had been previously thought to exist.

Those that we have yet to observe are either too distant or too faint to see with today's telescopes.

"It boggles the mind that over 90 percent of the galaxies in the universe have yet to be studied," said astrophysicist Christopher Conselice. "Who knows what interesting properties we will find when we observe these galaxies with the next generation of telescopes."   


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can't argue with this.. mankind had just started discovering the outer limits of what we know as the universe...

kulang ang age ng tao para igugol sa discoveries ng other galaxies trillion light years is not enough

yup.. and we're just beginning to see those images whose light have reached us already.. how about the ones still travelling towards us????


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