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Black Hole Friday

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Offline frankiko

on: November 27, 2015, 04:15:44 PM
Habang papasok sa trabaho, the radio jock gave a trivia that today marks the 2nd year Black Hole Friday. Curious, I searched and found some interesting information.

Black Friday in the commercial industry is the day after Thanksgiving Day, a holiday in the United States and some other countries. Since the early 2000s this day has been regarded as the beginning of Christmas shopping season. Most major retailers would open earlier than usual and offer promotional sales.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), on the other hand, has opted to remind us of the size of the universe, rather than engage in this Black Friday madness.

“A black hole is a region in space where the pulling force of gravity is so strong that light is not able to escape,” says NASA. A Black Friday sale has much the same pulling force, and NASA is celebrating the two as it runs its second Black Hole Friday today.

The American space agency is using the day — better known for bargain offers and hellish sales — to talk about black holes instead.

So in support of their celebration, I share information to you. I hope it sparks interest to you as well.  ???

A black hole is a geometrically defined region of spacetime exhibiting such strong gravitational effects that nothing—including particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from inside it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole.

Imagine a trampoline as a representation of space. Try putting a bowling ball in the middle of the trampoline. The fabric of space bends towards the weight or mass of the object in its center. Lahat ng ilagay mo sa trampoline hahatakin ng bowling ball papunta sa kanya...

That's the simplest I could come up with... hehehe.

Credits to sources: NASA, wiki,, etc.

Meron po ba ditong nasa ganitong field of study/expertise who could educate laymen such as I? Share naman po.  :hi1:  :penge:  :peace:

Offline naruto789544

Reply #1 on: November 28, 2015, 01:28:38 AM
hehehe... nice analogy there... in the black friday sale, everybody comes in and comes out at the other side smiling with their loot... :)

Offline Heathcliff

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Reply #2 on: November 28, 2015, 11:15:21 AM

parang ganito ba ?

Cygnus X-1 was first found during balloon flights in the 1960s, but wasn’t identified as a black hole for about another decade. According to NASA, the black hole is 10 times more massive to the Sun. Nearby is a blue supergiant star that is about 20 times more massive than the Sun, which is bleeding due to the black hole and creating X-ray emissions.

...imagining that the above illustration is true about black holes, then anything, even massive stars if black holes existed somewhere near them, can be sucked up into oblivion...i wonder bakit dyan sa illustration says, the star "bleeds" ( dying slowly )...astronomical observations says that it is very dangerous to pass or stray near it's event horizon bacause anything can be pulled and  ripped into shreds ...I guess it's called a black hole...for even light cannot escape it's gravity pull where the pressure is equal to the speed of light..

... :book1: :book1: :book1:

kung may special discount phenomena yang black hole friday na yan...right timing nga, para sa Christmas Holiday sales.  >:D >:D >:D

~  Amor Gignit Amorem. ~

Offline frankiko

Reply #3 on: November 28, 2015, 01:22:49 PM
Mam @Schy, baka kasi in lightyears yung diameter nung malaking star.. the black hole will inevitably suck the giant star into nothingness but it would probably take a few hundred years to do so  for a star that massive..  ???

Kung meron mang isa-suck into oblivion yang black friday sale na yan, it's the consumers' hard earned money. Hehehe.

Offline naruto789544

Reply #4 on: December 01, 2015, 12:44:09 AM
with regards to the concept of the black hole's absorption of everything, my only question is where does the matter absorbed by the hole goes... for now, black holes defies all known physics logic...

Offline frankiko

Reply #5 on: December 01, 2015, 07:44:19 AM
I've been asking the same thing sir @naruto789544
According to an article from (credits)

Here’s the problem that Hawking thinks he may have solved. In 1974, Hawking proved that black holes do emit particles, in the form of so-called Hawking radiation. That means that over time — an absolutely fantastic amount of time — black holes evaporate. But if a black hole can evaporate, what happens to the information about the material it once absorbed?

To understand this in the physical world, consider the drought afflicting much of the American southwest. As reservoirs fall, garbage, old vehicles, and even entire towns becomes visible. The “information,” in this case, is disclosed as the reservoir evaporates. Remember, though — a black hole is an area of such intense gravity that nothing can escape, including information about what it previously digested. If the information disappears with the black hole, that violates quantum mechanics. If the information doesn’t escape, that also violates the laws of quantum mechanics. It’s a problem.

Here’s Hawking’s new solution(s). At a conference sponsored by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology this week, he proposed one of two answers. First, it’s possible that the physical material (information) swallowed by the black hole never actually enters it at all. Instead, it’s smashed into the point of no return and encoded as a two-dimensional hologram.

“The information is not stored in the interior of the black hole as one might expect, but in its boundary — the event horizon,” he said. Working with Cambridge Professor Malcolm Perry (who spoke afterward) and Harvard Professor Andrew Stromberg, Hawking formulated the idea that information is stored in the form of what are known as super translations.

“The idea is the super translations are a hologram of the ingoing particles,” Hawking said. “Thus they contain all the information that would otherwise be lost.”

The information stored in these holograms is then emitted in the form of quantum fluctuations, though the data is so scrambled as to be useless for all intents and purposes. To return to our real-world analogy, imagine feeding a car through a crusher, industrial wood chipper, and coffee grinder. Even if you captured every bit of fluid, metal shavings, and tattered upholstery released at every stage of this process, there’s no way to reconstitute two tons of finely-ground Volvo into a vehicle.

The advantage of this theory is that it doesn’t violate quantum mechanics. The disadvantage is that it’s rather boring.

Hawking’s other proposed option is that black holes might serve as gateways into other universes. “The existence of alternative histories with black holes suggests this might be possible,” Hawking said. “The hole would need to be large and if it was rotating it might have a passage to another universe. But you couldn’t come back to our universe.

“So although I’m keen on space flight, I’m not going to try that.”

But I am still not convinced or maybe I just don't understand the whole thing completely. Hehehe.
 :hilo: :peace:

Offline naruto789544

Reply #6 on: December 02, 2015, 12:26:12 AM
i read that theory already wherein a black hole is actually a gateway to another universe or dimension... at least that will conform to known physics theories since matter cannot be destroyed but only be transformed to another form...

Offline Heathcliff

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Reply #7 on: January 17, 2016, 12:05:14 PM
i read that theory already wherein a black hole is actually a gateway to another universe or dimension... at least that will conform to known physics theories since matter cannot be destroyed but only be transformed to another form...

very interesting thought, til now maraming theories about it(including paranormal issues)...mas okay sana ma tackle yan...of course with supporting articles...

nasan na kaya si TS? :sipol: :sipol: :sipol:

~  Amor Gignit Amorem. ~

Offline frankiko

Reply #8 on: January 17, 2016, 03:12:42 PM
Still here mam @Schy just experiencing severe headache from clogged sinuses..  :(

Magandang point of discussion yang black hole theories na yan. I'll try to find some time to read on some and share it with you all.  :peace:

Offline spicy

Reply #9 on: August 13, 2016, 11:17:51 PM
As much as I'm super fascinated with the "Black hole" theory.  This thing will still remain a mere theory. 

No one has ever scene a black hole.  Some claim that they have detected.  Could be another deep space anomaly but that's the best they can get to validate the existence of BHs, not enough. 

But good read though..still hoping that I'm still alive when they actually see one.  :D


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