Academics > Legal Department



- FOUL WORDS,aggressive or slanderous messages, as well as personal insults and critics, the coarseness and vulgarities will not be tolerated in this board

- If you post informations who come directly from another site look first if the site in question doesn't forbid it. Show the address of the site where you direct quote, or copy paste.. same thing if you use any reference book ALWAYS quote the name and page of the book. to avoid PLAGIARISM  issue. as well as when posting a LAW always include the year of ammendments.

- Please post your messages only once. No flooding and caps lock and please READ BEFORE YOU POST to avoid posting a same topic or issue.

- Those asking for legal advice should post in the correct topic.

- Please make an effort on grammar and spelling, avoid short cuts or SMS-style language (ex: can u w8t 4 me?)

-Strictly English and Tagalog Language only ( any language problem please contact the moderator for help)

-Respect the MODERATORS, the moderators of this forum have the right and will try hard to edit or remove reprehensible messages as soon as possible. However, it is impossible for them to review all the messages so we can ask each and everyone to help by reporting it to the moderators.

Disclaimer: This board is designed for general information only and does not create attorney-client relationship. Persons accessing this board are encouraged to seek independent counsel for legal advice regarding their individual legal issues and not depend on the advices or opinion we are exchanging here. Pinoy Tambay has nothing to do and not liable to any of the content and post of the members of this site it is their opinion and idea in their own free will to share in this board.


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